Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Bush-birds and Hand-birds

Today I'm pondering the best way measure the correct ratio of bush-birds to hand-birds in a scenario of behavioural economics. I suspect that the real ratio is a little above 2. Various psychological experiments could be run to determine this, but there must also be a theoretical biological basis.

Results would, of course, vary based on each individual. As attitudes are social and cultural to some extent, they may also change over time. I wonder how many psychological experiments change by culture?

Today has been a frustratingly poor day. I've updated my website to list watercolours by year, this is one positive, and took a brisk walk to buy more choline. I looked up Ardour on YouTube. How hugely complex and inefficient it seems compared to Prometheus! It was the simplicity of Protracker 3.1b on Amiga that inspired me, its huge power in simplicity. All Protracker needs is an infinite number of tracks, better time resolution and one huge 'pattern', and audio effect plug-ins per-instrument and per-track, and Protracker would be Prometheus.