Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Noise Station v1.24, Prometheus v3.40

A day of programming, mostly finalising the Noise Station upgrades. Here's a screenshot:

Waves are now resampled, so can be loaded from any frequency. Directories for various media are now loaded/saved, and the skin/deck too. Export can be 32-bit FLOAT (this has 24-bit resolution), and we have a very useful graph display.

I made a few similar changes to Prometheus, although I don't really need resampling there as I only use 44100hz waves. The resampling works better here as samples are interpolated/oversampled for better quality (it did an amazing job on an 8000hz wave, when upsampled to 44100hz, it barely sounded different to the 44100 original). I did think that I could add double precision pointers, which will allow much longer samples. I don't know why I didn't consider this before (it will require recompiling 100+ plugins, however, and I won't know if it works or what the implications are until I try this... several days work for a tiny benefit).

I also completed a few art tasks. First, created little rubber bumpers using a hollow punch and sheet rubber. These are essential door stoppers for the Kratos cabinet and work brilliantly.

Second, I calibrated my tripods. Like most camera tripods, you can rotate them, but have no clue what the angle is relative to the feet. I really need a special tool that I can clamp onto the head, but I did my best with a horizontal ruler, making it level, then marking this 'central' point on the rotary bezel. This may speed up the photography operations in future.