Monday, August 19, 2024

Lighting, Kratos Glaze, Prometheus v3.39, Fan Rattle

A busy couple of days.

I started yesterday by researching 'authority control', the reading about many surrealists from the present and past on Adam McLean's brilliant website. He needs to establish some sort of foundation or system of preserving his important work for the long term.

Then I tested different heights of lighting for art photography. I reasoned that higher lights caused more reflection or glare from the surface. I tried three different heights, about 1M, 75cm, 50cm; two lights either side of a painting. The lights were a lot brighter lower down, this was the most significant effect. I expect the brightness will be more localised. As I slide paintings sideways to take multiple images, I don't think this will be too much of a problem (ie. decay). The shadows were softer and less stark for lower lights, so it seems that this is the best option.

In the afternoon I glazed the Kraton painting, but for some reason really felt like glazing it is stark green hues, not at all like teh flesh hues of the plan. As it was/is a work about feelings, I decided to paint how I felt, so chose the day-glow azo yellow to glaze with, and created a remarkable yellow-green-red colour scheme which is nothing like I could have planned or envisioned. I knew that with this pigment there would be no going back.

I also painted the hinges in black, and today, the doors.

Today was spent updating Prometheus to v3.39, with the new screen options I've coded into Noise Station. I'm constantly anxious because my PC (barely 18 months new) is making a fan rattle noise. Rattle of the PSU fan is a reported problem on the Dell forums, and an expensive one. I had a one-year warranty - ONE! Almost every product has two years.