Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Noise Station Upgrades

A frustrating and slow day. I feel tired of painting, it seems like a good time to work on a new painting book. I spent much of day sorting out text projects, clearing space for a new project.

At 4pm, frustrated by a lack of productivity, I charged into updating Noise Station 1 as I'd done a few days ago. To work at its best on Windows 10/11 it needs to support bigger screens. Version 1.22 is already far better version 1.21 from a week ago, but I decided to work on it further. It's quite a big job because the code is so old. I started by removing the unreliable DirectX7 display code and replaced it with the Windows GDI as used by Prometheus, SFXEngine, and Argus.

Then adding a new Config options, so that settings can be stored between sessions, and Window positions in particular. I'll probably need new skins for sliders, new deck and a wider sequencer.

None of this is for anything except to make it look and work a little better. It's productive procrastination while I consider the important moves of art, but it will make the program more attractive and more usable on current computers. There are lots of untidy and incorrect areas of code in this 2002-era programming.