Thursday, August 15, 2024

Noise Station Updates

A long and hard day working on Noise Station. I didn't realise how much work this upgrade would be. All of the work is upgrading the GUI, moving and resizing the windows to fit on bigger screens. This is difficult for many reasons. Adding more to a list means adding more icons dynamically. The skins and images need to be bigger, the scroll-bars need to be bigger. The system itself didn't use defines for anything, the code is not neat compared to my code now and neatening it takes time and can introduce errors. I've had to reprogram how windows appear because the old system depended on specifically sized windows in specific places which made others vanish.

Still, great progress has been made in 11 hours of solid programming. Windows can now be moved around and the positions stored and remembered (this was never the case before, it was a get-what-you're-given layout). The list of plugins, programs (instruments), and events are now dynamic, growing to fit bigger screens, and the splash screen is now a window of its own.

The next step is new skins for everything and re-blitting new backgrounds, icons, scroll bars and tracks.

All of this for music software that I'll be giving away, but it was barely useable before, so this upgrade is important. I made nearly 3 albums of work with it, so someone may find it as useful as I did, and even though its 22 years old, it still appears to be very good compared to a lot of software out there, free or otherwise.