Sunday, August 11, 2024

Frameculator v1.03, Kratos Frame

Feeling rather tired and achy these days. I wanted a rest day, and started the day by updating my Frameculator software again, to version 1.03. I realised that my standard 32mm wood, was actually 31.5mm... this bothered me so I made the software fully accept floating point variables (it already operated on them). There were some rounding issues too; I've no need to saw to sub-millimetre lengths (if I could!) but I wanted to ensure that the saw marks for each length were the same length despite rounding, rather than the marks made cumulatively.

Anyway, this was all something of a distraction. The changes are now done. I think listed the old version, Triculator, on itch.

In the afternoon I hand sawed the circuit board to make the double doors for the Kratos artwork, a hard job in the burning sun. I needed four saw blades too, it's a hard surface.

Perhaps I should have rested, I feel exhausted again, but I have to work, I find it impossible to do nothing, and there is a time limit for this artwork. I will need to drill these... I'm unsure how well this will work. The next job is to tidy and clean the boards, fill any cracks or obvious problem areas, then drill for the hinges and attach some sort of stopper for when the doors are closed.

Then, painting them. The aim of these doors must be beauty. Astonishing beauty; how can I best do this?