Friday, August 23, 2024

Underpainting Complete

Completed the Rachel Hudson underpainting with the portrait taken from a very blurry and low-res image. This was part of the inspiration, the key emotion is the romantic element of a person forgotten (this is not realistic now, this is not the sole image it was in 2004; then the case was a transient headline, a transient newspaper article).

There are AI enhancement tools which could help with the clarity of the image (with the caveat that the results wouldn't be good enough to give a likeness). This made me think that painting before mid-2023 and after will differ because of such tools. In this case, I didn't want or need them; I wanted the jpg colour fringing and blurryness, ideally to preserve the jpg blocking too. I've spent my life adding details to very poor, blurry photos, doing in my mind what AI attempts. It's a vital skill of art. At the moment, AI only really does this well on faces, it doesn't know or care enough about clouds, rocks, tree bark, leaves, and every object in the world, to add details there.

Now, I must move on. I don't think I'll start immediately on the Sleep painting, I need a break and change.