Monday, May 13, 2024

Argus Graphics, 5 Year Ramble

The day has flown. I've worked for a few hours on draft graphics for the Argus release. With everything I feel I'm rushed to an uncomfortable limit, perhaps this is normal now.

I need a manual for it, and a basic video trailer. Given the recent Steam releases, I'm pessimistic about it as a commercial product, but I still find it amazingly useful, and perhaps others will too. Of course, I find SFXEngine invaluable too.

The prime minister today warns us of great and threatening changes over the next 5 years (despite, incidentally, his party's calamitous mismanagement of the past 5 years, not least an economy contracted by 15% due to an uncontrolled and foolish Brexit; which, also incidentally, the equally bad Labour Party is happy to never mention, presumably due to the shame of being complicit). The world certainly feels like it's in a state of great change; due to the rise of AI, the rise of 'far-right' (individualistic vs. social forces) due to uncontrolled immigration and the lack of media controls for internet media (learning no lessons from the same lack of controls over the news media 100 years ago), and climate change.

Of course, life will go on after those 5 years. I remain constantly anxious about the future, though also excited and optimistic for unknown reasons. Perhaps I've become naturally optimistic after a life of pessimism. Perhaps it's a case of nothing left to lose, a triumph of stoicism, the end of a satisfying decade or two lived to the best of my ability. But I have so much I want to do, so much I can do for the world. Oh for a few more resources! A morsal of stability would transform me. This year, the next 5 years, will be a great struggle. It will not stop me working on art every day, creating every wonder I can to the best of my ability. The spectre of death is, as ever, my motivation.

This week, more work on the 'Cat Covid!' release. This morning I created a Flatspace edit of the song.

Onwards we charge.