Saturday, May 18, 2024

Argus v1.33

A big update to Argus today. the live-record options didn't work correctly, and were over complicated.

The principle is simple and was part of the initial idea of Argus; to make a 3D system like a game, where you can move objects around like game characters, but record the whole scene like a video, making animation as fast as possible. To get it working before you had to pick an object, hit record, hit another key to make the cursor appear, hit play, then life click and drag to animate your object. I've simplified it a number of steps today, and added more. Now you can do that, but also click when the film is paused to place an object, and the appearance of the cursor and recording are linked.

The record feature was part of the initial idea, but I've never used it, which is why it wasn't streamlined. It's there, but in practice, I find I'm using modulators to move everything. I also fixed and tidied up lots of other things, such as fixing Alt-Tab, which never worked - that doesn't matter when I'm using it because I neve Alt-Tab, but for a commercial or professional piece of work, this sort of thing is important.

So, three full days of work on Argus. One problem with it all is that my monitor is 3:4 in a world where over 90% of screens are 16:9. This means the layout itself isn't quite right. This is the reason I don't like MuseScore 4, that's optimised for 16:9 screens so won't neatly work or fit on my screen. I need to get Argus working neatly on both types of screen. This isn't easy because Windows and/or my graphics driver, due to bad design, don't like changing screen modes. You might think it's easy, but just trying to make it switch and remember a setting doesn't work properly.


Anyway. I must set this aside and charge into music. I've written my words for a new song for Wednesday's Dylan night, but need to write and practice the music. I hope to collaborate on a live performance on Cat Covid too in time for the next Red Cow night.