Sunday, May 26, 2024

Argus v1.36, Kabinet V

Another night of agonising stomach pain. I feel I'm doing too many things, so resolved to pause a little today.

I fixed a little issue in Argus, where the windows didn't appear if you closed the Splash window by closing it; this is a simple thing that I've never done myself. It's hard to fix these problems, which don't occur for me because I use the software in specific ways.

I watched a few videos. Music now is driven so far more by nostalgia than a quest for something new, meaningful or futuristic. Children can't access music, as it's accessed by smart-phone, and contemporary music is rarely on television. This is something like a cultural crisis.

Most of my day has been making a little intro/ident for Kabinet V. It has something of an epic ancient film about it.