Monday, May 06, 2024

Argus Update, Album Work

An update to Argus yesterday, preparing it for a Steam release. The Steam artwork, video, and manual are the main components remaining, each will take about a day; no the manual will take longer, it could take a day just to proof. I feel lacklustre about this. After a year with lots of programming and poor results I'm tired of it. I feel ready to forsake programming and become an artist again, in music and paint. I'm setting Argus aside, but may tinker with the remaining jobs every so often.

My to do list includes: New profile photos for the album; creating the Cat Covid single artwork; creating animated Spotify Canvases for the 14 tracks on the album; creating 14 full screen animated videos for the album; creating a Cat Covid music video, and some short versions in different formats; refilming and editing the 14 lyric reading videos; putting together a new Flatspace music pack for the album, which involves making new edits of selected tracks.

This work can easily take all month, but I must make haste if this album is ever to be released. I will release Excessive Consumption as a single too, and record a new B-Side for it. The work for that can wait.

...and there is the Mark Sheeky Show to launch.