Sunday, May 19, 2024

Argus v1.34

Woke late, then another long work day improving Argus. One thing I wanted to do was improve the wide-screen support, so I divided up the skins into two, and made the sequencer automatically stretch to match the screen width, up to a maximum on 1280 pixels wide (double the current maximum). This wasn't difficult. I also created a new layout if the screen is wide enough:

Then, a trip to town with Deb, to show her my mural for the first time. I met David Jewkes there, his is nearly complete.

After that, more work fixing little things in Argus, updates to the settings and documenting the Config.txt options (have just realised that it's not called Options.txt as in all of my other programs!)

I had hoped to write and play and practice the new song for the Dylan night, but I'm unhappy with it and seem to lack energy to run at it. The words seem uninspiring to me somehow, perhaps because they are an imagined portrait, or perhaps because the poetry is difficult to fit into a song somehow. I'm also dangerously short of time. I must work on this tomorrow.