Saturday, May 11, 2024

More Music Admin, Chaplin, Hopes and Beams

More time consuming album admin today. Scheduled the album for release, registered the technical music details for the album and single with the 4 major authorities, uploaded and queued the 13 lyric-reading videos, and prepared the Bandcamp release. I still have edits and tracks to create for the Flatspace pack, assemble the Spotify Canvases, and create any music videos. It can feel like a never-ending task but I've done this all day every day for a mere two weeks, which is the complete maximum I could manage.

I briefly watched a Rick Beato video about how he makes his YouTube programmes. He has a substantial team, from help with camera operation, to sound clips, to editing, to branding and stills graphics, and more. It's amazing that I do almost the same amount of work alone - apart from, that is, running a regular television programme! Is it valid to call a YouTube video a television programme? I think so.

I watched a bit of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus. I've never seen a Chaplin film before (well, apart from the occasional short). It made me think that silent films were a huge, global cultural phenomenon, unique in style, that vanished as quickly as it appeared. I wonder if TikTok videos and Memes are similar, and that they will be as ignored by archivists as most of those, now lost, silent films.

Deb and I had a lovely night at a new Open Mic event last night at the wonderful Hopes & Beams centre in Crewe. This one was focused on spoken word rather than music, of poetry and short stories, and two extracts from plays were performed too. These are every month. If we attended there, and the two-weekly events in Nantwich, those social occasions may negate the need for The Mark Sheeky Show... but of course all have slightly different circles. I must be careful not to overstretch myself.

Two performances are coming; a paid version of 'Tuesdays' next Wednesday, for which I must rehearse well, and the Bob Dylan themed night the following Wednesday, which needs new material. I've completed much of the work on this album now, so can give some time to those.