Friday, May 24, 2024

Pain, Argus, Sales

A night and day of agonising stomach pain. It's been difficult to concentrate for much of the day, a day spent in lumbering swoon, cold and shaky like an infant Nosferatu.

I started this morning by noting the music to 'Desperate Joy', perhaps I could record it as a B-Side. I became more productive as the day wore on.

Much of the day was spent working on Argus. I've finalised the first iteration of the manual, and started to assemble the main package for Steam distribution. I need to test it on more machines. I made a few more changes to the program; making relative paths possible, and made Y or U create a Music event. I put together three (very simple) example animations. Then, spent an hour or two creating the Steam store, the DLC and much of the technical setup.

In the evening, I promoted the new Flatspace IIk sale event, the IndieSFX May sale, and 'Cat Covid!' to my mailing list. I listened to June Holland's new single. Her vocals are wonderful, though I think I could do a better job on the production and mix. She pre-saved Cat Covid! - the only person to do so. She is so generous and talented, truly a special person. I want to get Argus completed as soon as possible, to make time to make a 'Cat Covid!' video.

I read about 'nervous breakdowns'; it appears I've had the symptoms since I was about 4 years old.

I have lots to do, lots I'd like to do.

Onwards we charge!