Wednesday, May 08, 2024

More Album Art, New Profiles, Shed Floor

I awoke late, feeling really tired, exhausted by the endless anxiety of existence and a night which was not satisfying. I have made good progress on my album work. I must remember to make every aspect a work of art, everything expressive, everything my best.

I started by finishing, or doing more work on, the album CD artwork. I now have drafts of 8 pages, including inner tray and rear tray CD artwork. Here's the direct homage to A Walk In The Countryside:

Then I worked on the new artist and social media images.

In the afternoon, things became physical. The shed floor was rotten, and my mother has been clearing out the rotten wood and digging the soil beneath away, to stop the wetness there rotting a new floor. This was completed by about 1pm, so I measured the space and sawed two 18mm plywood pieces for the floor. There are about 20Kg each, so all difficult to move. Once cut, they were painted with some semblance of wood preserver, a few drops from a rusty old tin. If it were down to me, I'd seal them with solvent based yacht varnish, though this would amount to several days, maybe 2 weeks of painting and drying. Perhaps that's overkill.

While the wood dried in the spring sun, I listed the new Cat Covid! single, which is set for a June 7th release. I'll promote that in earnest soon. I've also edited the audio from yesterday's videos, and prepared the single page captions, and experimented a little with possible Spotify Canvases. These details are all time consuming. So much of my life seems to be frustratingly taken up by them; is this art? I feel I would achieve far more doing something else, painting, anything. I can do so much in one day.

Nigel sent me a message to confirm that Deb and I are included in the next open mic, a special event for next Wednesday. This was nice to receive, I would have been sad to be excluded from the line-up. I must work out what to perform.

This evening the new floor was laid.

On the music, nothing is essential but the music. I must remind myself of this. Everything else must be a high quality artistic expression. Everything must be my best, my best, and yet, everything is a compromise of sorts. Time and resources are limited and I want to do so much. I want to live forever, for at least another 70 years. I want more resources, more help, more energy.

I could do with a music video to Cat Covid, and Spotify Canvases for everything.

I'm certainly improving musically, and gaining more followers, plays, attention with each release and month. Many of the older albums need re-making, as I've always intended. I must aim to make good new work too. I'll release at least one more single, Excessive Consumption has Laxative Effects, and will include a B-side. I love B-sides, an excuse to be experimental, a bonus. I remain as excited as every by the idea of making something new.