Thursday, May 23, 2024

Positively Little Street, Ian Parr, Argus

A great night at the Positively Little Street last night. The room was cold but the atmosphere really warm, one of sharing and collaboration, generous.

I read the sad news yesterday that the poet Ian Parr had died. He was a central figure in the Nantwich Speakeasy group, the poetry group held in the bookshop that Deb and I attended about every month prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. I read one of Ian's poems at last night's event as a tribute. In poetry, he was a classicist and romantic. A fan of W. B. Yeats (he could quote many from memory) Ian's poems were often lyrical and dreamy, his subjects the lives of ordinary working people. Many of his poems were listed in competitions, with the occasional published. His first solo collection wasn't produced until 2020.

I've spent today doing yet more preparation work on Argus. I've now assembled two show-reels of Argus animations, one at 30 FPS and one at 25. I've also finalised the manual again (admitting it still won't be the final final) and prepared text for the store. I think I need a how-to-use video really. There's still a lot to do. I need to compile text/example videos and materials, and compile the final package, but progress is being made. I'm nearly ready for putting this though Steam.